gisdata.CUPERTINO.traf_SignSupport is a Point FeatureClass representing sign supports in the City of Cupertino. Sign supports are entities that signs are affixed to. Light poles and traffic poles are in the "Poles" database and are not considered sign supports even if a sign is attached.It is primarily used as an inventory layer in Cityworks The layer is updated as needed by Public Works and quarterly QA/QC'd by GIS. This layer was part of a city-wide sign inventory in 2017The oldest geoprocessing history record has a date of 2011-09-16gisdata.CUPERTINO.traf_SignSupport has the following fields: OBJECTID:Unique identifier automatically generated by Esritype: OID, length: 4, domain: noneAssetID:Cupertino maintained GIS primary keytype: String, length: 20, domain: noneLegacyID:Old identifiers used to track asset migrationtype: String, length: 20, domain: noneLocation:Description or address of locationtype: String, length: 50, domain: noneStatus:The active or construction status of the asset in the fieldtype: String, length: 20, domain: pwStatusdomain values:['Abandoned', 'Proposed', 'Auction', 'Denied', 'Active', 'Removed', 'Not Connected']OwnedBy:Organization which owns the assettype: String, length: 50, domain: shdOwnedBydomain values:['Cupertino', 'San Jose Water', 'CalTrans', 'PGE', 'Los Altos', 'Santa Clara', 'Private HOA', 'Saratoga', 'Other Public', 'Santa Clara County', 'San Jose', 'Santa Clara Valley Water District', 'Private', 'California Water Service', 'State Parks', 'Sunnyvale', 'Cupertino Sanitary District', 'CWA']MaintainedBy:Organization who is responsible for maintenance of assettype: String, length: 50, domain: shdOwnedBydomain values:['Cupertino', 'San Jose Water', 'CalTrans', 'PGE', 'Los Altos', 'Santa Clara', 'Private HOA', 'Saratoga', 'Other Public', 'Santa Clara County', 'San Jose', 'Santa Clara Valley Water District', 'Private', 'California Water Service', 'State Parks', 'Sunnyvale', 'Cupertino Sanitary District', 'CWA']PlanNumber:Origniating plan number if knowntype: String, length: 100, domain: noneAsbuiltDate:Asbuilt datetype: Date, length: 36, domain: noneInstallDate:type: Date, length: 36, domain: nonePrimaryImage:Hyperlink to photo or DMStype: String, length: 100, domain: noneCreateBy:the name of the staff person who created the database rowtype: String, length: 50, domain: OPERATORdomain values:['MIKE', 'CURTIS', 'JAMES', 'KANE', 'JERRY', 'RICARDO', 'JOANNE', 'TERI', 'ANDY', 'JOE', 'ARCHANA', 'JONATHAN', 'ADAM', 'JAKE', 'MICHAEL', 'MAKIKO', 'PAUL', 'JEN', 'JASON', 'SHAWN', 'FRANK', 'JULIE', 'NICK', 'KEVIN', 'CLIFF']CreateDate:the date the database row was initially createdtype: Date, length: 36, domain: noneUpdateBy:The user who last updated the database rowtype: String, length: 50, domain: OPERATORdomain values:['MIKE', 'CURTIS', 'JAMES', 'KANE', 'JERRY', 'RICARDO', 'JOANNE', 'TERI', 'ANDY', 'JOE', 'ARCHANA', 'JONATHAN', 'ADAM', 'JAKE', 'MICHAEL', 'MAKIKO', 'PAUL', 'JEN', 'JASON', 'SHAWN', 'FRANK', 'JULIE', 'NICK', 'KEVIN', 'CLIFF']UpdateDate:the date the database row was last updatedtype: Date, length: 36, domain: noneDataSource:Description of what methods were used for data capture/migrationtype: String, length: 100, domain: shdDataSourcedomain values:['Digitized Plan as Reference', 'GPS SubFoot', 'Unknown Source', 'iStreetView', 'Field Verified', 'GPS SubMeter', 'Digitized Landbase as Reference', 'Legacy WO System', 'Digitized Ortho as Reference', 'Approximated Historical Source', 'Need Verification', 'Cogo from Plans']Rotation:Numerical value indicating degrees of rotation for proper map symbolizationtype: Double, length: 8, domain: noneSupportType:Classifies the sign support by its entity typetype: String, length: 20, domain: trafSignSupportTypedomain values:['Building', 'Bridge', 'Sound Wall', 'Sign Pole', 'Pedestrian Barricade', 'Bollard', 'Barricade', 'Fence', 'Traffic Signal', 'Light Pole']PoleType:Classification on the type of pole, if support is poletype: String, length: 20, domain: trafSignPoleTypedomain values:['Unistrut', 'None', 'Steel Round Pole', 'Steel Square Pole', 'Wood', '1A', 'UChannel', '1B']PoleHeight:type: SmallInteger, length: 2, domain: trafPoleHeightdomain values:["4'", '5', "8'", "10'", "12'", "14'"]Foundation:type: String, length: 10, domain: trafSnPlFoundationdomain values:['Concrete', 'Asphalt', 'Dirt']AnchorType:type: String, length: 20, domain: trafSnPlAnchorTypedomain values:['Embedded', 'Surface Mount']HasBeacon:type: String, length: 4, domain: shdBooleanYesNodomain values:['Yes', 'No']LocationType:type: String, length: 20, domain: trafSignSupLocationTypedomain values:['Park', 'Street', 'Median', 'Parking Lot', 'ROW']Shape:Field that stores geographic coordinates associated with featuretype: Geometry, length: 4, domain: noneGlobalID:Unique identifier automatically generated for features in enterprise databasetype: GlobalID, length: 38, domain: nonePOINT_X:type: Double, length: 8, domain: nonePOINT_Y:type: Double, length: 8, domain: none |