
Welcome to the City of Cupertino Interactive Garden!

This website goes along with the demonstration garden located around City Hall. Our plants are...

 Perennial: a plant that endures through all seasons for many years, they do not need to be replanted next season. They may change or go dormant throughout the year, but they will bloom again.

 Drought tolerant: a plant that requires very little water and is adapted to survive periods of time with limited access to water.

 Native plants: for our purposes this refers to plants that originated in California.

City Hall Garden


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City Hall Garden
How much water does Cupertino’s garden save?
Why we should choose water conserving, native plants
A variety of water conserving and native plants are used to reduce the irrigation requirements while still providing a vibrant, colorful garden. Landscaping, especially lawns waste millions of gallons of water every year.
As drought conditions and unpredictable weather patterns in California become more common, it is increasingly important that we use our water wisely.
Saving water during wet years can provide a buffer during dry years- even in times when it seems like we have more water than we can handle, it is important to remember that water is a finite resource and rainfall can change drastically from year to year.
Three reasons to save water
1. Saving water on irrigation means there is more available for drinking- although our planet is covered in water, less than 1% is available for human consumption. By choosing plants that need less water, we are saving more fresh water for drinking.
2. Saving water saves you money- water bills are expensive! Cutting back on landscape irrigation can save a significant amount of money.
3. Water is a vital resource and drought conditions pose major risks to not only our environment, but our health as well. By making water wise choices we can reduce our vulnerability to these risks.
Other things you can do to conserve water in your garden
  • - Use drip irrigation
  • - Add mulch
  • - Get rid of weeds
  • - Use a rain barrel

Go to City's water conservation to learn more about what you can do to save water.