{ "culture": "en-US", "name": "", "guid": "", "catalogPath": "", "snippet": "", "description": "Point database representing locations of trees in the City of Cupertino. Cupertino\u2019s trees are maintained by the Trees Division of the City\u2019s Public Works Department. This dataset is updated contiuously and maintained by the Public Works Department and GIS Division. See UpdateDate or CreateDate field for last update date of layer.Fields:OBJECTID:Unique identifier field generated automatically by Esritype: OID, length: 4, domain: noneAssetID:Unique identifier field used as key field in Cityworks Databasetype: String, length: 20, domain: noneLegacyID:Unique identifier field populated with IDs from previous asset management system (if applicable)type: String, length: 20, domain: noneLocation:Plain English description of the tree\u2019s location in the fieldtype: String, length: 50, domain: noneStatus:Describes the current condition of treetype: String, length: 20, domain: envStatusdomain values:[\u2018Proposed', \u2018Vacant', \u2018Needs Attention', \u2018Dead', \u2018Active', \u2018New Tree', \u2018Removed', \u2018Ground']OwnedBy:Identifies municipality claiming ownership of treetype: String, length: 50, domain: shdOwnedBydomain values:[\u2018Cupertino', \u2018San Jose Water', \u2018CalTrans', \u2018PGE', \u2018Los Altos', \u2018Santa Clara', \u2018Private HOA', \u2018Saratoga', \u2018Other Public', \u2018Santa Clara County', \u2018San Jose', \u2018Santa Clara Valley Water District', \u2018Private', \u2018California Water Service', \u2018State Parks', \u2018Sunnyvale', \u2018Cupertino Sanitary District', \u2018CWA']MaintainedBy:Identifies municipality responsible for maintenance of treetype: String, length: 50, domain: shdOwnedBydomain values:[\u2018Cupertino', \u2018San Jose Water', \u2018CalTrans', \u2018PGE', \u2018Los Altos', \u2018Santa Clara', \u2018Private HOA', \u2018Saratoga', \u2018Other Public', \u2018Santa Clara County', \u2018San Jose', \u2018Santa Clara Valley Water District', \u2018Private', \u2018California Water Service', \u2018State Parks', \u2018Sunnyvale', \u2018Cupertino Sanitary District', \u2018CWA']PlanNumber:Reference to plan document number detailing installation of tree (if applicable)type: String, length: 100, domain: nonePrimaryImage:Reference to primary image detailing installation of tree (if applicable)type: String, length: 100, domain: noneCreateBy:Name of operator who created recordtype: String, length: 50, domain: noneCreateDate:Date record was added to layertype: Date, length: 36, domain: noneUpdateBy:Name of operator who updated record lasttype: String, length: 50, domain: OPERATORUpdateDate:Date record was last updatedtype: Date, length: 36, domain: noneDataSource:Reference information used to create recordtype: String, length: 100, domain: shdDataSourcedomain values:[\u2018Digitized Plan as Reference', \u2018GPS SubFoot', \u2018Unknown Source', \u2018iStreetView', \u2018Field Verified', \u2018GPS SubMeter', \u2018Digitized Landbase as Reference', \u2018Legacy WO System', \u2018Digitized Ortho as Reference', \u2018Approximated Historical Source', \u2018Need Verification', \u2018Cogo from Plans']Rotation:Field that can be utilized to rotate map symbolstype: Double, length: 8, domain: noneSpecies:Latin name of tree speciestype: String, length: 50, domain: envTreeSpeciesdomain values:[\u2018FRAXINUS HOLOTRICHA', \u2018OLEA EUROPAEA', \u2018PINUS PINEA', \u2018CUPRESSACEAE', \u2018MAYTENUS BOARIA', \u2018RHUS LANCIA', \u2018NERIUM OLEANDER', \u2018LIQUIDAMBER STYRACIFLUA', \u2018PICEA PUNGENS', \u2018PODOCURPUS MACROPHYLLUS', \u2018AESCULUS CALIFORNICA', \u2018FRAXINUS AMERICANA', u\"LAGERSTROMIA 'TUSCARORA'\", \u2018QUERCUS SUBER', \u2018MAGNOLIA GRANDIFOLIA RUSSET', \u2018MALUS SP', \u2018MELALEUCA LINARIFOLIA', u\"PYRUS CALLERYANA 'CHANTICLEER'\", \u2018MELALEUCA LEUCADENDRA', \u2018SEQUOIADENDRON GIGANTEUM', \u2018ALBIZIA JULIBRISSIN', \u2018PALM', \u2018PISTACIA CHINENSIS', \u2018JACARANDA MIMMOSIFOLIA', \u2018ACACIA', \u2018MAGNOLIA SOLINGIANA', u\"ULMUS PARVIFOLIA 'BOSQUE'\", \u2018YUCCA GLORIOSA', \u2018ACER SACCHARINUM', \u2018JUGLANS', \u2018ACER PALMATUM', \u2018ACER BUERGERIANUM', \u2018CITRUS SINENSIS', u\"LAGERSTROMIA 'MUSKOGEE'\", \u2018PRUNUS AMERICANA', \u2018CINNAMOMUM CAMPHORA', \u2018PYRUS KAWAKAMII', u\"FRAXINUS ANGUSTIFOLIA 'RAYWOOD'\", \u2018DIOSPYROS KAKI', \u2018BETULA ALBA', \u2018AILANTHUS ALTISSIMA', \u2018QUERCUS LOBATA', \u2018QUERCUS ILEX', \u2018GLEDITSIA TRIACANTHOS', \u2018PINUS SP', u\"PLATANUS X HISPANICA 'BLOODGOOD'\", \u2018PHOTINIA GLABRA', \u2018SALIX BABYLONICA', \u2018LIGUSTRUM JAPONICUM', \u2018BAUHINIA BLAKEANA', \u2018QUERCUS BUCKEYI', \u2018PRUNUS CAROLINIANA', \u2018QUERCUS RUBRA', \u2018AESCULUS X CARNEA', u\"LAGERSTROMIA 'NANCHEZ'\", \u2018ACACIA MELANOXYLON', \u2018SCHINUS MOLLE', \u2018QUERCUS KELLOGGII', \u2018CERCIS CANADENSIS', \u2018MAGNOLIA GRANDIFOLIA ST MARY', \u2018CERATONIA SILIQUA', \u2018SEQUOIA SEMPERVIRENS', \u2018GREVILLEA ROBUSTA', \u2018POPULUS', \u2018QUERCUS AGRIFOLIA', \u2018PSEUDOTSUGA MENZIESII', \u2018SCHINUS TEREBINTHEFOLIUS', \u2018TRIADICA SEBIFERA', \u2018QUERCUS ALBA', \u2018METASAQUOIA GLYPTOSTROBOIDES', \u2018TRISTANIOPSIS LAURINA', \u2018PYRUS PYRIFOLIA', \u2018GEIJERA PARVIFOLIA', \u2018ZELKOVA SERRATA', \u2018PLATANUS COLUMBIANA', \u2018EUCALYPTUS GLOBULUS', \u2018CUPRESSUS SEMPERVIREN', \u2018ARBUTUS MARINA', \u2018OSMANTHUS AMERICANUS', \u2018EUCALYPTUS SP', \u2018CASUARINA EQUISETIFOLIA', \u2018CEDRUS DEODARA', \u2018KOELREUTERIA BIPINNATA', \u2018QUERCUS', u\"PYRUS CALLERYANA 'BRADFORD'\", \u2018LAURUS NOBILIS', u\"PYRUS CALLERYANA 'ARISTOCRAT'\", \u2018LIRIODENDRON', \u2018ARBUTUS MENZIESII', \u2018PRUNUS ARMENIACA', \u2018PICEA PUNGENS \\u2018GLAUCA\\u2019', \u2018MYOPORUM LAETUM', \u2018WASHINGTON ROBUSTA', \u2018QUERCUS CAMBII', \u2018JUGLANS HINDSII', \u2018PRUNUS AKEBONO', \u2018PITTOSPORUM EUGENIOIDES', \u2018CALOCEDRUS DECURRENS', \u2018MORUS ALBA', \u2018PUNICA GRANATUM', \u2018LOPHOSTEMON CONFERTUS', \u2018PRUNUS PERSICA', \u2018GINKGO BILOBA', \u2018FRAXINUS UHDEI', \u2018CELTUS SINENSIS', \u2018PRUNUS AMYGDALUS', \u2018PRUNUS AVIUM', \u2018FICUS CARICA', \u2018ULMUS PUMILA', \u2018QUERCUS VIRGINIANA', \u2018PSIDIUM GUAJAVA', \u2018PLATANUS RECEMOSA', \u2018ACER RUBRUM', \u2018PICEA', \u2018MORUS NIGRA', \u2018QUERCUS FRAINETTO', \u2018ILLEX AQUIFOLIUM', \u2018SOPHORA JAPONICA', \u2018MALUS FLORIBUNDA', \u2018ERIOBOTRYA DEFLEXA', \u2018PITTOSPORUM TOBIRA', \u2018ULMUS PARVIFOLIA', \u2018ALNUS GLUTINOSA', u\"FRAXINUS VELUTINA 'MODESTO'\", \u2018SALIX SCOULERIANA', \u2018CRATAEGUS LAEVIGATA', \u2018CEDRUS ATLANTICA ', \u2018PERSEA AMERICANA', u\"PRUNUS CERASFERA 'KRAUTER VESUVIUS'\"]SpeciesCommonName:Common name of tree speciestype: String, length: 50, domain: noneDiameterBreastHieght:Measurement value representing diameter at breast height of treetype: Double, length: 8, domain: noneHeight:Measurement value representing height of treetype: SmallInteger, length: 2, domain: envTreeHeightdomain values:[u\"31-35'\", u\"0-5'\", u\"36-40'\", u\"6-10'\", u\"41-45'\", u\"11-15'\", u\"16-20'\", u\"21-25'\", u\"26-30'\"]CanopyDiameter:Measurement value representing the canopy diameter of treetype: Double, length: 8, domain: noneLocationType:Classification of tree location. ROW stands for right-of-way.type: String, length: 20, domain: envLocationTypedomain values:[\u2018Park', \u2018Median', \u2018Parking Lot', \u2018Street', \u2018Waterway', \u2018ROW']Side:Description of tree location in relation to building on propertytype: String, length: 20, domain: envLocationSidedomain values:[\u2018Front', \u2018Side', \u2018Rear']Site:No descriptiontype: SmallInteger, length: 2, domain: noneGrowSpace:Description of tree\u2019s grow spacetype: String, length: 30, domain: envGrowSpacedomain values:[\u2018Park Strip', \u2018Open Area', \u2018Well', \u2018Between Curb-Gutter', \u2018Behind Sidewalk', \u2018Grated Well']HasRootBarrier:Indicates if tree has root barriertype: String, length: 3, domain: shdBooleanYesNodomain values:[\u2018Y', \u2018N']HasCables:Indicates if any cables are attached or running through treetype: String, length: 3, domain: shdBooleanYesNodomain values:[\u2018Y', \u2018N']HasBolts:Indicates if tree has boltstype: String, length: 3, domain: shdBooleanYesNodomain values:[\u2018Y', \u2018N']TrafficLightClearance:Indicates if tree has adequate traffic light clearancetype: String, length: 3, domain: shdBooleanYesNodomain values:[\u2018Y', \u2018N']SignClearance:Indicates if tree has adequate sign clearancetype: String, length: 3, domain: shdBooleanYesNodomain values:[\u2018Y', \u2018N']StreetLightClearance:Indicates if tree has adequate street light clearancetype: String, length: 3, domain: shdBooleanYesNodomain values:[\u2018Y', \u2018N']BuildingClearance:Indicates if tree has adequate building clearancetype: String, length: 3, domain: shdBooleanYesNodomain values:[\u2018Y', \u2018N']VehicleClearance:Indicates if tree has adequate vehicle clearancetype: String, length: 3, domain: shdBooleanYesNodomain values:[\u2018Y', \u2018N']PedestrianClearance:Indicates if tree has adequate pedestrian clearancetype: String, length: 3, domain: shdBooleanYesNodomain values:[\u2018Y', \u2018N']OverheadUtilities:Indicates type of utility installed on treetype: String, length: 20, domain: envTreeOverheadUtildomain values:[\u2018Street Light', \u2018None', \u2018Other']FlowLineDamage:Indicates if tree is damaging any flow linetype: String, length: 3, domain: shdBooleanYesNodomain values:[\u2018Y', \u2018N']TripHazard:Indicates if tree has been identified as trip hazardtype: String, length: 3, domain: shdBooleanYesNodomain values:[\u2018Y', \u2018N']PlantDate:Date tree was plantedtype: Date, length: 36, domain: noneLastInspectedDate:Date of last tree inspectiontype: Date, length: 36, domain: noneCondition:Indicates health condition of treetype: SmallInteger, length: 2, domain: envTreeConditiondomain values:[\u2018Dead', \u2018Critical', \u2018Good', \u2018Fair', \u2018Poor', \u2018Very Good', \u2018Excellent']IsHeritageTree:Indicates if tree is a heritage treetype: String, length: 3, domain: shdBooleanYesNodomain values:[\u2018Y', \u2018N']GlobalID:Unique identifier generated by enterprise databasetype: GlobalID, length: 38, domain: noneX:X-Coordinate of treetype: Double, length: 8, domain: noneY:Y-Coordinate of treetype: Double, length: 8, domain: noneLAT:Latitude value of treetype: Double, length: 8, domain: noneLONG:Longitude value of treetype: Double, length: 8, domain: noneNotes:Additional info not captured in other fieldstype: String, length: 250, domain: noneShape:GIS field storing geometry of recordtype: Geometry, length: 4, domain: noneGasTransmissionZone:Indicates the type of gas transmission zone of tree\u2019s locationtype: String, length: 20, domain: envGasZonedomain values:[\u2018Pipe Zone', \u2018Outer Zone', \u2018Other', \u2018Border Zone']TreeMaintenanceZone:Indicates maintenance zone of tree. Used to indicate group responsible for maintenance.type: String, length: 50, domain: env_TreeMaintenanceZonedomain values:[\u20188b', \u20188c', \u2018Median', \u20188a', \u20188f', \u20188d', \u20188e', \u20181', \u20183', \u20182', \u20185', \u20184', \u20187', \u20186', \u2018Grounds']WaterBag:Indicates if tree is watered using a water bagtype: String, length: 3, domain: shdBooleanYesNodomain values:[\u2018Y', \u2018N']", "summary": "", "title": "env_Tree", "tags": [], "type": "", "typeKeywords": [], "thumbnail": "", "url": "", "minScale": 0, "maxScale": 0, "spatialReference": "", "accessInformation": "Layer is owned and maintained by the City of Cupertino\nManaged by GIS Division and Public Works Department", "licenseInfo": "" }